Some of Pauline's music and some others I've been checking out.... (Ken Butler)
Jake and i worked for Ken over our FWT's, and he is a major inspiration. He's done some installation work but focuses most particularly on the hybrid design of musical instruments. These instruments are constructed practically (employing garbage and other found objects that are just lying around), allowing for a variety of visual stimulation and intrigue gained from simply looking at the instruments, as well as the diverse catalog of unexpected tones they each generate. Most of Ken's instruments are tambrelly oriented around violins, guitars, and bass stringed instruments, but the materials he uses truly reinvent those sounds and have us reconsider the commons associations we have of them. ( Ed Potikar)
Ed Potikar is a colleague of Ken's who is also an instrument maker. His work is less about practical design as it is about inventing non standard instruments (often using exquisite woods and technology) and artworks which produce sound. (Harry Partch-- really cool stuff)
Harry Partch was an early inventor of non standard musical instruments. This website allows you to virtually play some of the instruments he made with your computer keyboards (you all will like this).
See ya later!
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